Total Medals Earned: 582 (From 111 different games.) Total Medal Score: 9,235 Points
Medals Earned: 2/13 (55/550 points)
Read through all of the intro and instructions text
Stop a cop car before it makes contact with a tombstone
Destroy 100 tombstones
Bypass a cop by moving over him
Destroy 10 dropping needles or scalpels
collect 3 roofies in a single level
Destroy 5 of the fastest respawned centipedes in a single level
Destroy 20 tombstones altered by cop cars
Achieve 50,000 points
Destroy 10 cops for their maximum 900 point value
Achieve 100,000 points
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 1/39 (5/430 points)
Level 1
Level 10
Level 11
Level 12
Level 13
Level 14
Level 15
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
Level 8
Level 9
Extract atoms from 118 different elements
Learn at 100% all elements in Knowledge
2 weeks played
24 Hours active time
Buy all upgrades
Medals Earned: 8/30 (85/495 points)
Purchase 5 Botnets
Purchase 5 Super Computers
Purchase 10 botnets
Purchase 10 friends PCs
Purchase 10 server farms
Purchase 10 dedicated servers
Reach over 1000 views
Reach over 1 million site views
Purchase 5 One Minds
Purchase 5 friends PCs
Purchase 5 Quantum chips
Purchase 5 Quantum Rifts
Purchase 5 auto-refreshing tabs
Purchase 5 Sentient Techs
Purchase 5 Server farms
Purchase 5 dedicated servers
Purchase 10 one minds
Purchase 10 quantum chips
Purchase 10 quantum rifts
Purchase 10 auto-refreshing tabs
Purchase 10 sentient techs
Purchase 10 super computers
Buy over 250 items from the store
Manually click the refresh button over 1000 times
Buy over 500 items from the store
Increase the number of ads to x9
Increase bandwidth to x9
Reach over 1 billion views
Buy over 700 items from the store
Reach over 1 trillion views
Medals Earned: 1/36 (5/485 points)
Start a new game for the first time.
View the credits for the first time.
Reach South Farstal Plains.
Reach West Farstal Plains.
Reach Fain Canyon Descent.
Wander into a house uninvited.
Win 10 battles.
Win 50 battles.
Win 100 battles.
Talk to your first NPC.
Talk to 10 different NPCs.
Talk to 25 different NPCs.
Use the shop for the first time.
Read your first book.
Read fifteen different books.
Complete your first quest.
Complete all of the quests.
Obtained 100,000 Nerrins.
Medals Earned: 1/7 (5/355 points)
Checking out the game.
Reaching section 10.
Playing the game for 30 minutes.
Playing the game for 20 minutes.
Reaching section 15.
Playing the game for 10 minutes.
Completing all levels or finishing the game.
Medals Earned: 1/6 (25/400 points)
Defeat the evil being beyond the locked ceiling!
Take out 15 monsters with a single bomb!
Buy everything in the shop!
Complete all quest!
Clear the story mode in 3:30 minutes or less!
Reach 65,000 meters in Infinite mode!
Medals Earned: 11/25 (270/1,000 points)
Discover 5 neutral reactions.
Use 1 appropriate item.
Do a total of 50 actions.
Discover 5 aggressive reactions.
Feed 20 pounds of food to your specimen.
Fully research 1 specimen.
Use 1 preferred item.
Fully research 10 items.
Discover 5 passive reactions.
Research all the techniques at least once.
Discover 5 advanced reactions.
Terminate 5 specimens.
Kill 10 animals with your research.
Cut 1 limb from your specimen.
Cut 4 limbs from your specimen.
Find all the ways to rip the specimen's jaw off.
Do a total of 1000 actions.
Discover 40 passive reactions.
Try all the food items.
Discover 40 aggressive reactions.
Try all the objects.
Try all the weapons.
Discover 30 advanced reactions.
Reach 100% on your total completion statistic.
Find all the ways to kill or incapacitate the specimen.
Medals Earned: 11/27 (315/1,000 points)
Kill 10 Gnomes while enraged
Kill over 50 Gnomes
Fight the Boss in ACT I
Complete the Tutorial Level
Complete Act I
Kill a Gnome in one hit
Complete Act II
Fight the Boss in ACT II
Kill over 100 Gnomes
Complete the Game!
Fight the Gnome King!
Discover ancient Skull Statues
Sever 20 Gnome heads in a row
Kill an entire Level of Gnomes with the heads of other Gnomes
Complete Act III
Fight the Boss in ACT III
Kill an entire level of Gnomes with nothing but your bare hands
Collect 15 Precious Gems
Find all of the 8 hidden Cameo Swords
Medals Earned: 2/11 (75/500 points)
destroy 10 boulders in a single Rage
Collect all 10 gems in a single run
use every antitode orb to recover from poisoning in a single run
Collect all health orbs in a single run
Collect all rage orbs in a single run
survive for 3 minutes
Destroy 20 boulders in a single Rage
Reach the bottom of the Giant Pit
Medals Earned: 3/7 (85/270 points)
Max upgrades in weapons.
Beat doug to his bloodiest.
Last up to day 15.
Max upgrades in ale quality.
Beat a level past day 5 without losing any ale from doug.
Earn over $2000 in one day.
Reach a score of 1 million